A few of the goodies that will be offered here on The Brass Leaf, have made their way over to the products page!  There will be many, many more to come, but this is what we have right now!

For a limited time, I'll be sending out the goods on me.  That's right, free shipping!

If you have a rosary request, please let me know.  If I can get the beads, I can make it for you.


We believe in giving back to the community, too.  I make mission rosaries for the troops.  They are just like my regular rosaries, only made with a high quality black plastic bead.  The chaplains at Fort Campbell have had a hard time keeping them in stock!  These are offered by me, for free, just because I believe that everybody should have the comfort of their religion, and I can provide this one small thing.
I've been asked if Reiki can be used to ward off bad things.  Negative energies and ill will.  The simple answer is yes, yes it can.  It's not that hard, either.

You can make your entire home a safe place.  You can put a zone of happy around yourself, too.  Have you ever walked into a room and felt bad vibes?  You can help change those vibrations with Reiki.

Basically, using symbols, you surround the area with Reiki.  The walls, the ceiling and floor.  This creates a less hostile feeling.  For those that that don't change their attitude, the area can begin to feel uncomfortable to them.  Generally it results in that person leaving, creating a less hostile place for you!

If the goal is to protect your personal space, then you can put a zone around you.  Anybody that comes into your zone will either feel peaceful and less aggressive, or uncomfortable enough to just walk away.  Again, the result is less stress on you.

There are times you might be traveling when you want to ensure a safe journey to your destination.  You can surround your car with Reiki for that.  You'd be placing a bubble of protection around yourself for safe travels.  Does that mean that something won't happen?  No, but if it should, chances are that you'll come out just fine.

Reiki is a wonderful thing, and can be used for just about anything. 
My mornings are often spent watching my kids eat and play, while I sit with a steaming cup of my favorite brew.  I enjoy a good cup of coffee.  I treat myself to things for my coffee.  Flavored creamers, hot chocolates, mint flavored add ins.  It's one of my pleasures in life, so I try to do it up as best I can.

Did you know that coffee is actually good for you?  Yes it is.  It is very good for lung issues.  It can help you breathe easier, and loosen phlegm if you have a chest cold.  There are many studies about what else coffee can be good for.

As with everything else, moderation is key.  Even good things are bad if you go crazy with them.  Just remember to keep it to one or two cups a day, and you should be good to go!

Do you enjoy a special beverage to get your day started?  My girls like hot cider in the fall and winter.  How
It’s fall.  Fall brings about colorful leaves, pumpkins, cool nights, and chest colds.  No matter how you prepare, just about everybody will get sick.  For those of you with kids, you know they always bring home ever germ they come in contact with.  Schools and workplaces teem with cold germs just waiting to make you their new home.

There’s got to be something you can do to keep the bugs away.  If nothing else, to lessen the time you’ll be down with your new cold.  Well, there is.  It’s simple, too.  It's easy to use, and rather easy to find.  It's also safe for adults and children.  Whether you buy it, or if you make it, you'll love this product.  What is it?  Well, Elderberry!  European Elderberry, to be exact.

Elderberry has, for centuries, been used to treat all kinds of nasty chest stuff.  It’s been scientifically proven to fight against both bacterial and viral bugs.  It contains flavonoids.  Trust me, flavonoids are a good thing.

Science dictionary defines flavonoids as: Any of a large group of water-soluble plant pigments that are beneficial to health. Flavonoids are polyphenols and have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties. They also help to maintain the health of small blood vessels and connective tissue, and some are under study as possible treatments of cancer.

There used to be a commercial product called Sambucol.  The pure Sambucol doesn’t seem to be available anymore, which is a shame.  You can still find the “adult” version, which has some added goodies to it.  I believe that there are also some other brands of this out there.  That being said, it’s not that hard to make this product yourself.

This recipe comes from the Herbal Healer (www.herbalhealer.com – it’s a great place!):

Clean Quart Jar  add 1/4 pound dried elderberries (Must be Sambucus nigra)
Now fill to top with vodka.  Put lid on tight.
Store in a dark cupboard and shake once every few days.
Label and date your jar.
Let it sit for at least 30 days before you strain it.
You can use it without straining it too and it will just continue to get stronger.
Preventative - Adult - 1 teaspoon in water once a day
Children scale back by weight.

PLEASE REMEMBER:  Elderberries should never just be eaten.  They are only safe when prepared correctly.  Otherwise, they can be poisonous.  If you are unsure of this, you can purchase pre made tinctures!  Herbal Healer sells quite a bit of good Elderberry stuff.  Just don’t eat the berries!!!

I have this issue with my hips.  One is higher than the other.  Not enough to do bad things to my back, but enough so that it locks up once in awhile.  It hurts me a lot, and makes walking almost impossible. 

This morning I woke up with such a pain.  I tried the standards, which I know never work, but still.  Pills didn't work, rubbing didn't work, Icy Hot didn't work.  You'd think Reiki would be the first thing that I'd try, but it slipped my mind.  Well, imagine how sheepish I felt when I thought of it.  Yeah, so much for the Reiki master.  Yes, I'm human, too.

Using a Level 3 symbol, sandwiched between a level 2 symbol, I then put my hands on my thighs.  I started there, rather than my hip, as I wasn't totally sure that my pain was originating from there.  With eyes closed, and breathing deeply, I let Reiki tell me where I should place my hands.  One on the hip, one on my stomach.  After about 10 minutes, I was able to make dinner without crying. 

Yes, my hip still hurts.   It takes time for Reiki to fix what ails you, but making the pain subside enough to function was my goal for the moment.  I'll continue with Reiki for this issue, though I'll most likely never get total relief forever.  It's a physical issue.  Then again, it's possible for Reiki to knit bones, so you never can tell. 
I'm not feeling well.  It's one of those things that just kind of slid up and smacked me upside the head.  One of my friends was naming things that she would try to in order to feel better.  It got me thinking about it a bit.  What are your favorite home remedies?
Reiki is a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Force Energy. Rei means Universal. Ki means vital life force energy. It is an energy that is in and around every living thing. The concept and practice of Reiki is thousands of years old.

So what is it really? Well, it’s a form of meditation and relaxation that helps to move energy from the practitioner to the client to balance the energy within the client. The practitioner is a conduit for the energy. Intent is a giant key to Reiki. Reiki is NOT a religion, nor is it associated with any religion. Heck, you don’t even have to believe in it for it to work. Plus, it’s in you anyway. Science has already proven that.

Reiki is all natural, and does no harm. You can’t use intent to harm somebody with it. Try and the Reiki simply either will do its own thing, or it will not flow at all. On that note, you can’t truly direct it, either. You can give Reiki with the intent for it to say heal a headache, but if the body has something more pressing needing that Reiki, it’ll go there first. It’s smart!

Reiki is very gentle. You don’t need to physically touch somebody to provide Reiki to them. This is great for people that have open wounds, rashes, or just don’t like to be touched. Small children and animals tend to respond very well.

Reiki is a wonderful and powerful healing tool. It can help you to relax and be calmer. You heal better when you are relaxed. It can help the energy in your body run smoother. After all, we are electric beings. We keep batteries primed, why not ourselves?

It is possible to Reiki charge items for your use. When you charge your everyday items with Reiki, you get a bit of that Reiki when you use the item. The sky is the limit when it comes to what you can charge, too. Charge up the entire room and have a nice, relaxing place to hang out. Charge your food to help your body absorb the nutrients and to counter the not so good stuff in it. Charge your lotion and get a session every time you use it. If you can touch it, you can charge it up.

Here’s an example of charging something with Reiki that I’ve done. Take something that your child sleeps with. It could be a pillow, blanket, or toy. Anything, really. Charge it with Reiki. Really zap it good. Use the intent of sleep in it. This can really help a restless child, or one that has bad dreams. It tends to help them get to sleep a little faster, stay asleep a little longer. Remember, when they use the item, they get a Reiki treatment, so it can also keep them a little healthier.

Everybody loves milk. It’s a wonderful thing. Milk builds strong bones and keeps you healthy. There’s nothing bad about it. It’s oh so good.

What would you say if I told you that milk was far from the “perfect” food that the United States would have you believe? What would you say if I told you that milk, and it’s by products, can actually have a harmful effect on your well being? That milk can make you sick? You’d most likely tell me that I’m wrong. Look at all of those studies. Yes, let’s look at them.

The Israel Journal of Medical Sciences stated in 1983 and in 1989 that dairy products may play a major role in the development of allergies, asthma, sleep difficulties, and migraine headaches.

Julie Klotter, MD, stated in Townsend Medical Letter in May, 1995 that “cow’s milk, especially processed cow’s milk, has been linked to a variety of health problems, including: mucous production, hemoglobin loss, childhood diabetes, heart disease, artherosclerosis, arthritis, kidney stones, mood swings, depression, irritability, and allergies.”

Kind of scary, isn’t it? You know what’s scarier? Drinking milk can actually CAUSE bone loss. Yes, I said causes it. The United States has a high rate of bone disease. We also have a high milk consumption. Everywhere you look, you are told to drink milk because it’s good for you. I don’t know about you, but if it’s causing me bone loss, it’s not good for me.

Animal protein, such as that found in milk, actually causes calcium loss. One 1994 study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that animal proteins cause calcium to be leached from the bones and excreted in the urine. Another study stated that osteoporosis is caused by too much dietary protein. Makes sense if that protein causes calcium loss. Nobody tells you these things, though.

I cannot tell you how many times I've heard, "It's natural, so it must be safe." This is so not true. In general, yes, natural is best. Nature, however, makes some nasty stuff. Many natural cures are very potent and can easily make you very sick if you use more than you should. More is not better in the natural world. Some seemingly safe products can do serious harm.

Basically, use caution with natural remedies, just like you would with medicine from your doctor. Not everything is safe for young children. Do your research and ask. Remember, just because it's natural does NOT mean that it can't hurt you.

    About Me!

    My name is Susan.  I've been practicing and teaching Reiki since 2003.  I love to share my knowledge with others, and teaching is truly in my blood.

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    November 2010
    October 2010