My mornings are often spent watching my kids eat and play, while I sit with a steaming cup of my favorite brew.  I enjoy a good cup of coffee.  I treat myself to things for my coffee.  Flavored creamers, hot chocolates, mint flavored add ins.  It's one of my pleasures in life, so I try to do it up as best I can.

Did you know that coffee is actually good for you?  Yes it is.  It is very good for lung issues.  It can help you breathe easier, and loosen phlegm if you have a chest cold.  There are many studies about what else coffee can be good for.

As with everything else, moderation is key.  Even good things are bad if you go crazy with them.  Just remember to keep it to one or two cups a day, and you should be good to go!

Do you enjoy a special beverage to get your day started?  My girls like hot cider in the fall and winter.  How
10/13/2010 08:58:40 am

I'm a tea freak! There is a tea for everything that ails you! I tend to go more for hot tea but in the middle of summer sweet tea usually hits the spot! I'm trying to suck it up and drink more green tea and learned not to boil the water. So far the only one I like is a green tea with ginger I have. So much for drinking 4 cups a day! I also make a tea that has liptons sweetened lemon tea mix as a base and then you add tang, pineapple jello and red hot candies. I can drink that ALL day long!

10/14/2010 03:28:14 am

Hot tea is how it's meant to be consumed. Since man has had fire, we have been using natural teas to heal and harmonize. A good chunk of the good is from the warmth, itself. It also gives a sense of comfort. If you picture somebody smelling a warm beverage, what's the look on their face? Is it eyes closed, with a smile? Did you smile thinking about it? Yup, bet you did! LOL


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    About Me!

    My name is Susan.  I've been practicing and teaching Reiki since 2003.  I love to share my knowledge with others, and teaching is truly in my blood.

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