It’s fall.  Fall brings about colorful leaves, pumpkins, cool nights, and chest colds.  No matter how you prepare, just about everybody will get sick.  For those of you with kids, you know they always bring home ever germ they come in contact with.  Schools and workplaces teem with cold germs just waiting to make you their new home.

There’s got to be something you can do to keep the bugs away.  If nothing else, to lessen the time you’ll be down with your new cold.  Well, there is.  It’s simple, too.  It's easy to use, and rather easy to find.  It's also safe for adults and children.  Whether you buy it, or if you make it, you'll love this product.  What is it?  Well, Elderberry!  European Elderberry, to be exact.

Elderberry has, for centuries, been used to treat all kinds of nasty chest stuff.  It’s been scientifically proven to fight against both bacterial and viral bugs.  It contains flavonoids.  Trust me, flavonoids are a good thing.

Science dictionary defines flavonoids as: Any of a large group of water-soluble plant pigments that are beneficial to health. Flavonoids are polyphenols and have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral properties. They also help to maintain the health of small blood vessels and connective tissue, and some are under study as possible treatments of cancer.

There used to be a commercial product called Sambucol.  The pure Sambucol doesn’t seem to be available anymore, which is a shame.  You can still find the “adult” version, which has some added goodies to it.  I believe that there are also some other brands of this out there.  That being said, it’s not that hard to make this product yourself.

This recipe comes from the Herbal Healer ( – it’s a great place!):

Clean Quart Jar  add 1/4 pound dried elderberries (Must be Sambucus nigra)
Now fill to top with vodka.  Put lid on tight.
Store in a dark cupboard and shake once every few days.
Label and date your jar.
Let it sit for at least 30 days before you strain it.
You can use it without straining it too and it will just continue to get stronger.
Preventative - Adult - 1 teaspoon in water once a day
Children scale back by weight.

PLEASE REMEMBER:  Elderberries should never just be eaten.  They are only safe when prepared correctly.  Otherwise, they can be poisonous.  If you are unsure of this, you can purchase pre made tinctures!  Herbal Healer sells quite a bit of good Elderberry stuff.  Just don’t eat the berries!!!

11/13/2011 08:20:56 am

Good post. I hate colds (thankfully I have not had 1 for quite a few years). Have to agree that berries are a great way to get your flavonoids. I've never had elderberries but blueberries are a staple in my diet.


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    My name is Susan.  I've been practicing and teaching Reiki since 2003.  I love to share my knowledge with others, and teaching is truly in my blood.

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